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Prayers and hymns express our beliefs in an inspirational and exciting way. On this page I'll share some of my favorites.


Loving Father, I offer you everything I do this day -- my thoughts, works, joys and sufferings. I desire to join my heart this day to the heart of your Son, who gave himself up totally to your service and to the service of others. Give me your Spirit so that I can live like him, joined to his offering in the Eucharist.


Rise Up, Shepherds, and Follow (Traditional)

There's a Savior to see on a Christmas morn,
Rise up, shepherds, and follow.
He will show you the place where the child is born,
Rise up, shepherds, and follow.
Leave your sheep and leave your lambs,
Rise up shepherds and follow.
Follow, follow, rise up, shepherds, and follow.
Hark to the angels of Bethlehem,
Rise up, shepherds, and follow.

Prayer Requests
Feel free to email me your prayer requests.

Brother Tom

Jesus died, rose from the dead, and lives today to show GOD'S LOVE that we can live forever with Him.